I am trying to use caster's marshall/unmarshall framework to replace
Apache's BeanSerialier.
 However, i got a problem with the xsi:type attribute. The "xsi" namespace
definition is in the SOAP envelope. When the message body passed in to
Castors marshaller. there is no namespace defintion for "xsi". The
following error show up. Does anyone have some ideas on how to solve this
 Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

org.xml.sax.SAXException: The namespace associated with the prefix 'xsi' could not be 
     at org.exolab.castor.xml.UnmarshalHandler.processAttributeList(Unknown Source)
     at org.exolab.castor.xml.UnmarshalHandler.startElement(Unknown Source)
     at org.exolab.castor.xml.util.DOMEventProducer.process(Unknown Source)
     at org.exolab.castor.xml.util.DOMEventProducer.process(Unknown Source)
     at org.exolab.castor.xml.util.DOMEventProducer.start(Unknown Source)
     at org.exolab.castor.xml.Unmarshaller.unmarshal(Unknown Source)
     at org.exolab.castor.xml.Unmarshaller.unmarshal(Unknown Source)
     at org.exolab.castor.xml.Unmarshaller.unmarshal(Unknown Source)

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