I'm no Castor XML expert but it looks like your culprit is this

# Uncomment the following to basically supress evaluation of Regular

By uncommenting that, it seems like you are instructing Castor to use a RegExp Evaluator that always returns true.... hence the behaviour you are seeing.

I would have a look at the source for the org.exolab.xml.util.AlwaysTrueRegExpEvaluator to confirm this.

Hope this helps.



I've got a big problem with castor validation issues.

I've generated java code using SourceGenerator (with full options,
descriptors etc.) from my xsd. I've put in my xsd some basic validation
(for example concerning length o social security numbers -> maxOccurs
minOccurs and some  validation rules with regular expressions describes
maxLength, format etc...).

So when i'm marshalling or unmarshalling my objects, validaton rules like
minOccurs and maxOccurs works fine but validation rules from xsd concerning
regular expressions (like maxLength, format) and validation rules like
enumerations doesn't work.

When i'm unmarshalling xml with non-regular-expression valid fields (on
example bad length or format) unmarshaller claims that everything is OK and
even when i'm calling isValid() method on that no valid objects castor
method always returns true.

What's going on?

i think my castor.properties is OK. I've enabled validation framework like

# An implementation which uses the Jakarta RegExp library

# Uncomment the following to basically supress evaluation of Regular

and my unmarshalling or validation code looks like below:


//if regular expressions and enumerations in my xml file are not compatibile
to xsd rules
//unmarshaller claims that everything is ok. If min max Occurs rules are bad
in xml file //everything is ok -> xsd rules are fired.

Unmarshaller a = new Unmarshaller(Order.class);
order = (Order)a.unmarshal(new FileReader("castor_test.xml"));

//when i'm calling isValid() method on non valid object build with set method //isValid() returns always true no matter if object data are valid or non vaild.

order.setSocialSecutityNumber("bla bla bla")
return order.isValid();

i've checked classDescriptors and everything seems to be ok.

//example from Descriptor class

//-- validation code for: _example_number_to_validate_regular_expressions
fieldValidator = new FieldValidator();
{ //-- local scope
  NameValidator nv = new NameValidator(NameValidator.CDATA);

please help if u have any suggestions


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