
Partial success on this issue ...

A co-worker was able to make it run off a fresh build of the latest castor code   -  no longer throws the exception ... HOWEVER... if after the line:  

product = (Product);

//I insert the following the lines:

System.out.println("its a:" +  product.getClass() );
System.out.println("is a Product?" + (product instanceof Product));
System.out.println("is a Computer?" + (product instanceof Computer));

Then I get:

its a:class myapp.Product
is a Product? true
is a Computer? false

Please correct me if Im wrong but if the Product happens to be a Computer then 
instanceof should tell us that shouldn it?

Thanks - Rich

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Snyder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 6:25 AM
Subject: Re: [castor-dev] JDO inheritance problem

This one time, at band camp, Schramm, Rich said:

SR>It might be easier demo the problem Im having by using the jdo examples.  It seems 
to me a reasonable thing to want to do is update the price of all products in the 
database... however in the examples, Computer extends Product. creates a 
computer instance with Id = 11, there are also generic products created, eg one with 
Id = 4.  If you add the following bits of code at the bottom of updating 
the price of the selected product... it fails in the last case.... where "Product" 
happens to also be a "Computer"
SR>I get:    IllegalArgumentException: object is not an instance of declaring class
SR>I cant seem to grock a casting strategy that works correctly for Products if they 
happen to be Computers..
SR>(Note..There is a jdoLoad method in that tests the name field for 'PC' 
and returns a Class.Computer but that doesnt seem to change the outcome (I tried 
changing name 'myPC' to 'foobar').)
SR>I think if I can get past this simple example it might just get me past my more 
complicated real-life problem (wishfull thinking...)  Thanks again for any suggestions!


I think that this may be an issue with Castor not walking the
inheritance tree. I changed to the code to also try the following
and I receive a slightly different exception:

    /**** price update FAILS for Product id = 11 (a computer) ***/
    productOql.bind( 11 );
    results = productOql.execute();
    if ( !results.hasMore() ) { writer.println("Query failed"); } else
        // product = (Product);
        computer = ( Computer );
        // writer.println("Found Product: "  + product.toString() );
        writer.println("Found Computer: "  + computer.toString() );
        // product.setPrice(999);

I'll file a Bugzilla report on this issue and attach your code
additions to the JDO examples.


perl -e 'print unpack("u30","<0G)[EMAIL PROTECTED]&5R\"F9E<G)E=\$\!F<FEI+F-O;0\`\`");'

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