Has anyone heard of this technology?  There is a FAQ about Castor and how it
compares to XMLBeans.  I use Castor now for XML Marshalling/Unmarshalling.
XMLBeans has been getting press lately.  Which is better?

How does XMLBeans compare to other XML marshalling tools such as Castor?
XMLBeans improves on existing marshalling solutions in three key ways.
First, most existing solutions only have partial coverage of XML Schema. In
contrast, XMLBeans will support 100% of XML Schema. This completeness is a
critical ingredient for empowering enterprise integration. Furthermore,
marshalling solutions throw away the native XML so there is no way to access
the XML directly as there is with XMLBeans. Finally, traditional marshalling
solutions do their work "at the front door," meaning that an entire XML
document will necessarily be marshalled to get access to a single piece of
data. With XMLBeans however, marshalling and unmarshalling happen on demand,
so if you never look at a piece of data, it's never marsalled and
unmarshalled. This improves the performance of the XMLBeans solution. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Ross Gibb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 3:21 PM
Subject: [castor-dev] Putting mapping files into jars.


Is it possible to put a mapping.xml file into a jar file to make a clean
deployment.  For example, say I have file database.xml which is as follows,

<database name="mydb" engine="mysql" >
  <driver url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/dbtest" 
    <param name="user" value="root"/>
    <param name="password" value="" />
  <mapping href="..\properties\mapping.xml" />

You can see that the mapping file is located in relative path
..\properties\mapping.xml.  How can one put the file mapping.xml in a jar
file and have castor be able to access it.  I saw some mail about this in
the archive along with a modification to the Castor source, has this been
implemented into a released version of the castor source?  Any help is

Ross Gibb

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