This one time, at band camp, Bruce Snyder said:

BS>This one time, at band camp, Barley said:
BS>B><field name="allDisabilities"
BS>B>type="mypackage.Disability" required="true"
BS>B>   <sql name="disability_id"

BS>For those of you reading this thread, see the carets above for the
BS>problem. Gregg just noticed this and informed me of it. No wonder
BS>my troubleshooting always led back to the layer that reads in the
BS>object mapping file.

My apologies - I forgot to the point out the problem. The attribute
many_table should be many-table.


perl -e 'print unpack("u30","<0G)[EMAIL PROTECTED]&5R\"F9E<G)E=\$\!F<FEI+F-O;0\`\`");'

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