Hi everyone,

I am using mapping file for marshalling and unmarshalling. The marshalling
works wery well, I have succeded to change the class name from the java
to the xml instance, but the unmarshalling does not take account of my
mapping file
for the reverse operation. I do not know why...

Problem description:
I have succeded to marshall the class 'xxx.Device' and changed its name by
'yyy.MyDevice' within
the xml schema instance, but when I unmarshall 'yyy.MyDevice' from the xml
instance then castor 
does not take account of my mapping file and try to create an instance of
'yyy.MyDevice' while 
'xxx.Device' was expected. Both java beans 'xxx.Device' and 'yyy.MyDevice'
have the same properties.

My mapping file is as follow:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE databases PUBLIC "-//EXOLAB/Castor Mapping DTD Version 1.0//EN"
  <description>Mapping intended for the client side</description>

      <class name="xxx.Device" auto-complete="true" >
             <map-to xml="java:yyy.MyDevice"/>


My Xml instance is as follow:
        <elements xsi:type="java:yyy.MyDevice"

        <elements xsi:type="java:yyy.MyDevice"

Is there any description missing in my mapping file ?
Christian Nicolas

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