Castor proposed enhancement for self-referential JDO relationships.
Add the parent-key attribute which would indicate the parent key for an object.
   Class A --> Class B   Class A has a one-to-many relationship with Class B.
                                   Class B has self-referential relationship
<class name="A" identity="aId" >
  <field name="bs" type="B"  collection="arraylist" >
         <sql many-key="a_id"  parent-key="parent_b_id"  />
<class name="B" identity="aId" >
  <field name="bs" type="B" collection="arraylist" >
         <sql many-key="parent_b_id"  />
In the above example Class A uses the following query to load Class B objects:
select parent from b where where aId = $1 and parent_b_id IS NULL
A parent_b_id of NULL indicates a top level parent.
Also relax the rule for dependent objects. The check isn't performed for self-referential relationships.
I will gladly added the enhancement if it makes sense.

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