This one time, at band camp, Konrad said:

K>When a class field has the java.util.Date type, does
K>Castor store the time with the date as well?  We are
K>using Oracle9i, and I have the following Castor
K>      <field name="entryDate" type="date">
K>              <sql name="ENTRY_TS" type="date"/>
K>      </field>
K>However, in the database, the HH:mm:ss is appearing as
K>00:00:00 (or not appearing at all, depending on sql
K>query client).
K>Is this standard for the Date mapping (to only store
K>the date and no time at all)?
K>We are unable to use TIMESTAMP as the type for the
K>database field due to a WebLogic6.1sp2 JDBC driver
K>limitation (not recognizing Oracle9i's Timestamp


There are a few mappings in src/tests/jdo/mapping.xml for the
jdo.TestTypes object for the java.util.Date object:

    1) A mapping for the java.util.Date to a SQL integer with a
    parameter (e.g. integer[YMD] ). Internally Castor converts the
    java.util.Date to a java.lang.Integer to be persisted.

    2) A mapping for the java.util.Date to a SQL char with a parameter
    (e.g. char[yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS]). Internally Castor converts
    the java.util.Date to a String to be persisted.

    3) A mapping for the java.util.Date to a SQL numeric with a
    parameter (e.g. numeric[YMDhmsS]). Internally Castor converts
    the java.util.Date to a java.math.BigDecimal to be persisted.

    4) A mapping for the java.util.Date to a SQL bigint with no
    parameter. Internally Castor converts this to java.math.BigDecimal
    to be persisted.

In cases at least cases 2 and 3 above, the time is persisted. I
can't say for sure on case 4.

The src/tests/jdo/mapping.xml descriptor is available in the source
download or CVS.

perl -e 'print unpack("u30","<0G)[EMAIL PROTECTED]&5R\"F9E<G)E=\$\!F<FEI+F-O;0\`\`");'

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Apache Geronimo

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