Hi castor group,
        Please help.
        I am new to Castor and I am evaluating Castor for our project
requirements. Unfortunately Unmarshaller.unmarshall method is not working as
I expected. Some body please clarifies this. For your convenience I attached
three Java files created by Castor and they are (Password.java,
Username.java and UsernameToken.java) 

I am using Unmarshaller.unmarshall(Class,Document) method. So in my case I
am calling 
UsernameToken uToken=new UsernameToken();
uToken= (UsernameToken) 
where doc is 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Username test="hi">Ranjith</Username>
      <Password Type="PasswordText">ranjith</Password>

Unfortunately after I execute unmarshall method, still my uToken is null and
Castor is not throwing any exceptions also. 

Note: I am not using any Descriptor files as well as mapping files. 

I appreciate any feedback...
Ranjith Pillai. 

Attachment: Password.java
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Username.java
Description: Binary data

Attachment: UsernameToken.java
Description: Binary data

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