This one time, at band camp, Clemens Kadura said:

CK>p {margin: 0px}p {margin: 0px}Hello,
CK>I have the following question and dont know if this can be categorized as a bug or 
is it an enhancement?
CK>I want to describe the issue as following (derived from the LazyLoading testcase):
CK>I have a Person that has Addresses.
CK>Assume that s/he has more than 1000 addresses.
CK>I want to get only those for a specific zip code without loading them all with 
person.getAddress() and
CK>separate later.
CK>I loaded a TestLazyPerson object before as aPerson.
CK>Now Id like to run the following query:
CK>query = _db.getOQLQuery("SELECT a FROM jdo.TestLazyAddress a " +
CK>"WHERE Person = $1 AND zip = $2");
CK>query.bind( aPerson );
CK>query.bind( "10000" );
CK>I get error messages both for TestLazyPerson having a single identity or multiple 
PKs! .
CK>I read a little bit through the source code and it seems for me that this is not 
implemented yet.
CK>Mainly in the ParseTreeWalker and in OQLQueryImpl there would be some changes 
CK>My first question:
CK>Am I completely wrong to try such a query? Could somebody tell me how to solve this 
better in this case.
CK>The 2nd question (if you are still with me):
CK>Are there plans to implement this functionality in the near future anyway or 
otherwise Id like to
CK>volunteer to add/change this.
CK>Who are the contacts to discuss this in further detail?
CK>I attach a Testcase that shows what I mean


This feature has been requested in the past and is something we're hoping
to address with some major refactoring in the future. At this time,
the only way to get an Address object without fetching all of them is
to query the Address separate from the Person.

perl -e 'print unpack("u30","<0G)[EMAIL PROTECTED]&5R\"F9E<G)E=\$\!F<FEI+F-O;0\`\`");'

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