This one time, at band camp, Serge Maslyukov said:

SM>What happened with the Castor? Subproject CastorJDO it
SM>is already dead, it is more truly killed by
SM>'Hibernate'. If exolab cannot develop new versions,
SM>correct old (some bugs for 2 years) can it is
SM>meaningful transfer a subproject CastorXML to


Being that I'm the lead developer for Castor JDO and that your question
is valid, I'd like to respond. I've been the lead developer for
Castor JDO since July 2002 and involved with the Castor Project since
September 2000. I've seen many people come and go, both contributors
and committers. What I can tell you is that supporting the community
surrounding Castor JDO virtually by myself for the better part of two
years is not any easy thing. Yes, I've had some helping hands along the
way for which I'm HIGHLY appreciative, but very few who have hung around
for too long.

As Werner aptly described, there are many forces at play here. Open Source
developers oftentimes are doing the development *on their own time*
while also juggling all other aspects of life (e.g. day job, family,
etc.). Unfortunately I have not yet found anyone fool enough to pay me
to develop Castor JDO as a full-time job ;-). Until that day comes, I'll
continue to scrape by with a heavy reliance on the Castor community. I've
gotten some tremendous help from some very knowledgeable people in the
community. My only hope is that people continue to contribute more of
their time and effort so that things can continue to move forward.

As for Castor's popularity within the Open Source community, that is
for the users to decide. Yes, Hibernate has become quite popular and
actually became a part of the JBoss Project recently. I'm very happy to
see that Hibernate is successfull because I think that competition is
a good thing. I truly wish Gavin and his team well.

As for transferring the project to the Apache Software Foundation, AFAIK,
this is not a topic on the table for discussion. At one time this was
discussed and it was determined that such a move was not in the best
interest of the Castor Project.

As for the bug you filed that has so far gone unfixed, Werner also
did a good job of asking for futher detail. There are only two
things I can add to that. The first is a reference to the Bugzilla
Bug Writing Guidelines (which seems to only be available here: I cannot tell
you the countless hours I have spent trying only to understand a user's
problem, let alone the amount of time it takes to achive a workaround
or a fix. The second thing has already been said - one person can only 
handle so much.

Complaining about an apparent problem does not get us any closer to a
solution. To work toward a solution we must work together. I hope that
you and the rest of the community can work with us to make this situation
better, Serge. I truly take your complaints to heart and I sincerely
appreciate your efforts with the Castor Project and your feedback.

perl -e 'print unpack("u30","<0G)[EMAIL PROTECTED]&5R\"F9E<G)E=\$\!F<FEI+F-O;0\`\`");'

The Castor Project

Apache Geronimo

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