My marshalling/unmarshalling business needs require a flexible way to
marshall and unmarshall large amounts of objects to arbitrary files.  I
am currently using Marshaller.setMarshallAsDocument(false) to output
multiple objects to files deteremined by our business logic.  These files
then need to be human editable and unmarshalled back into our

However, to my knowledge there is no way for Castor to import many
objects from one file.  Currently I am dynamically generating a source
file at build time that "wraps" all of the XML files that have been
marshalled by Castor.  I do this to create one root element so that the
XML parser doesn't yell at me.  QUESTION #1: Is there an easier way to
unmarshall many objects from one file or multiple files?  

Also, I would like the xmlns:xsi mapping to be present ONLY in the root
element, whereas currently Castor places the xmlns:xsi attribute in every
element that requires an xsi:type attribute.  QUESTION #2: Is there any
way for me to leave the xsi:type attributes, but not output the xmlns:xsi
attribute?  Since I will have an xmlns:xsi attribute in my root element,
I have no need to repeat the namespace mapping throughout my document.


Jeremy Haile
  Jeremy Haile

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