
Haven't been able to find this in the documentation. I have Castor

I am setting up my mapping file to work with an existing set of Java classes.

The Marshaller appears to load the correct mapping file, but ignores the
directives in it. I know it's the correct file because I get an exception
1) the mapping file is missing
2) i rename a class in the mapping file so the class reference in <class>
is wrong
3) i rename a <field> name so that the field name is wrong, etc.

However, Castor ignores the settings for

No matter what value I put in name on <map-to name="">, or in name on
<bind-xml>, Castor uses the same, default, values.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mapping xmlns="http://castor.exolab.org/";
    <description>Castor generated mapping file</description>
    <class cst:name="quine.QDialogue">
        <description>Default mapping for class QDialogue</description>
        <map-to cst:xml="a-dialogue"/>
        <field cst:name="serverDialogueID" cst:type="long">
            <bind-xml name="xserver-dialogue-iD" node="attribute"/>

In this case, QDialogue is marshalled as <QDialogue> not <a-dialogue> and
serverDialogueID is marshalled as <server-dialogue-iD>, not


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