Okay, third time's the charm. I've changed the lingo to more accurately model the language in the docs, in the hopes of actually getting someone to read this. :)

Does anyone have a way to do this?

I'm looking to do nested attributes, where the object is accessed as...

class Location {
        setLocationMapping(LocationMapping lm)

class LocationMapping {
        setURL(String urlToSet)

with a mapping that does...

<field name="LocationDetails.url" get-method="getURL" set-method="setURL">
<bind-xml name="url"/>

... won't work, because it's looking for getURL and setURL on the wrong object; even though I've specified the nested attribute. It insists on looking for getURL and setURL on Location, not LocationMapping.

Is this a bug, a misfeature, or am I not doing something correctly? Nothing clear in the documentation on how it should behave, or whether it should or should not work.

On 18 Mar 2004, at 16:52, Gregory Block wrote:

I'd like to create a mapping that does something like the following...

<class name="com.wow.framework.dao.Location">
<field name="id" type="integer" get-method="getID" set-method="setID">
<bind-xml name="id" node="attribute" type="location-id-type"/>
<field name="name" type="string">
<bind-xml name="name" />
<!-- No alternate names yet. -->
<field name="parent" type="com.wow.framework.dao.Location">
<bind-xml name="parent-location" type="wow-types:location-type"/>
<field name="LocationDetails.displayAddress">
<bind-xml name="address"/>
<field name="LocationDetails.url" get-method="getURL" set-method="setURL">
<bind-xml name="url"/>
<field name="LocationDetails.phone">
<bind-xml name="tel"/>
<field name="LocationDetails.fax">
<bind-xml name="fax"/>
<field name="LocationDetails.email">
<bind-xml name="email"/>

Now, I appear to get the correct behavior for phone, fax, and e-mail - those fields aren't, at least, reporting any grave errors. However, LocationDetails.url isn't reachable; no matter what I do, it insists on looking in the Location object for the getURL() and setURL() calls.

Anyone have any idea how I can convince it to look at the nested attribute?

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