I have an Marshalling problem using reference IDREFs.

  I have 2 object "b" and "c" which references the same object "a",
  and the object "d" which contains "b" and "c".
  When i marshal the object "d", the xml data contains "d", "b" and "c"
  but the referenced object "a" is missing, i don't understand why ?

My simple source code:

public class A
  private int m_reference;
  private String m_name;

  public void setReference(int _reference) {
    m_reference = _reference;
  public int getReference(){
    return m_reference;
  public void setName(String _name) {
    m_name = _name;
  public String getName() {
    return m_name;
  public A() {

public class B
  private String m_type;
  private A m_a;

  public void setType(String _type) {
    m_type = _type;
  public String getType()  {
    return m_type;
  public void setA(A _a) {
    m_a = _a;
  public A getA() {
    return m_a;
  public B()  {

public class C
  private String m_category;
  private A m_a;

  public void setCategory(String _category)  {
    m_category = _category;
  public String getCategory()  {
    return m_category;
  public void setA(A _a)  {
    m_a = _a;
  public A getA()  {
    return m_a;
  public C() {

public class D
  private int m_number;
  private B m_b;
  private C m_c;

  public void setNumber(int _number)  {
    m_number = _number;
  public int getNumber()  {
    return m_number;
  public void setB(B _b)  {
    m_b = _b;
  public B getB()  {
    return m_b;
  public void setC(C _c)  {
    m_c = _c;
  public C getC() {
    return m_c;
  public D() {

package test;

import test.server.*;
import java.io.*;
import org.exolab.castor.xml.*;
import org.exolab.castor.mapping.*;

public class OnServerSide
  private Mapping m_mapping = XMappingLoader.Load("Mapping.xml");
  private D m_d;

  public OnServerSide()
    A a = new A();

    B b = new B();

    C c = new C();

    m_d = new D();

  public void marshall()
    byte[] xmlData = null;
      // Create a byte array output stream.
      ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
      OutputStreamWriter outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(baos);

      // Create a new castor marshaller.
      Marshaller marshaller = new Marshaller(outputStreamWriter);

      // Note the resolver must be set before the mapping, otherwise
      // the mapping will be ignored.
      if (m_mapping != null)

      xmlData = baos.toByteArray();

      // Trace:
      System.out.println("*** Marshalling completed successfully ***");
      System.out.println(new String(xmlData));
    catch (Exception e)
      System.out.println("Marshalling failed !");


  public static void main(String args[])
    OnServerSide tester = new OnServerSide();

My simple mapping file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE databases PUBLIC "-//EXOLAB/Castor Mapping DTD Version 1.0//EN"
  <class name="test.server.A" auto-complete="true" identity="reference">
      <map-to xml="A"/>
      <field name="reference" type="int">
         <bind-xml node="attribute" />

  <class name="test.server.B" auto-complete="true">
      <map-to xml="B"/>
      <field name="a" type="test.server.A">
         <bind-xml name="REF_A" reference="true" node="attribute" />

  <class name="test.server.C" auto-complete="true">
      <map-to xml="C"/>
      <field name="a" type="test.server.A">
         <bind-xml name="REF_A" reference="true" node="attribute" />

  <class name="test.server.D" auto-complete="true">
      <map-to xml="D"/>

The result of the marshalling where the object a is missing:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <b REF_A="15">
    <c REF_A="15">

Do you have any suggestion about my problem ?

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