On 6 Apr 2004, at 05:58, Bruce Snyder wrote:
I'm a bit perplexed by this myself because I would assume that
reloading the application context in Tomcat would completely dump
anything in memory.

It does - but because JDO itself, and castor, exist outside of the WAR context, JDO is not. So requesting cache expiration must therefore guarantee that all references to classes loaded as a part of that WAR context can be cleared. This was working for all objects *except* those objects which contained arrays.

When the unload happens, the DAO objects vanish - but Castor remains alive.

That's exactly what the Database.expireCache() method should do.
I'm a bit perplexed as to why it wouldn't flush everything.

Me too. :)

I may well be about to lose my ability to track this problem - I need to switch to ArrayLists for those containers anwyays, as I will need them to lazy load. I guess I'm about to find out whether that solves the problem...

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