i did try this out. Seems rather not possible unless ofcourse you write your 
own field descriptor. 
The problem is in Castor one field element(bind-xml element) maps to one 
element in the output xml. so when u put 2 field elements it maps to 2 elements
you would be better off by changing output xml to something like this:
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
  <contentGroup id="AAA">
  <entryTemplate name="DDD" id="ddd" /> 
unless some guys in the group have some other options.

Would like to know if they have a solution other than writing a field 
decsriptor class.

Quoting Anna Kerekes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello,
> I need some help mapping the following xml sample:
> <contentGroup id="1">
> <entryTemplate id="1">Test</entryTemplate>
> </contentGroup>
> I want to do it in the following way, by creating only one class.
> However it does not work, why not?
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <!DOCTYPE mapping PUBLIC "-//EXOLAB/Castor Object Mapping DTD Version
> 1.0//EN" 
> "C:/COTWorkspace2/ewwcms_web/Web Content/config/mapping.dtd">
> <mapping>
> <description>ContentGroupDetailsTO mapping file</description>
> <class
> name="com.cot.ewwcms.domain.transferobject.RequestInputProperties"
> auto-complete="false">
> <map-to xml="contentGroup" />
> <field name="id" direct="true" type="string" required="true">
> <bind-xml name="id" node="attribute" />
> </field>
> <field name="entryTemplate" direct="true" type="string"
> required="true">
> <bind-xml name="entryTemplate" node="element" />
> </field>
> <field name="entryTemplateId" direct="true" type="string"
> required="true">
> <bind-xml name="id" location="entryTemplate" node="attribute" />
> </field>
> </class>
> </mapping>
> This solution, on the other hand, works. However, it 
> Requires me to create more classes, which I don't want:
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <!DOCTYPE mapping PUBLIC "-//EXOLAB/Castor Object Mapping DTD Version
> 1.0//EN" 
> "C:/COTWorkspace2/ewwcms_web/Web Content/config/mapping.dtd">
> <mapping>
> <description>ContentGroupDetailsTO mapping file</description>
> <class
> name="com.cot.ewwcms.domain.transferobject.RequestInputProperties"
> auto-complete="false">
> <map-to xml="contentGroup" />
> <field name="id" direct="true" type="string" required="true">
> <bind-xml name="id" node="attribute" />
> </field>
> <field name="entryTemplate" direct="true"
> type="com.cot.ewwcms.domain.transferobject.RequestInputTemplate"
> required="true">
> <bind-xml name="entryTemplate" />
> </field>
> </class>
> <class
> name=""com.cot.ewwcms.domain.transferobject.RequestInputTemplate">
> <field name="entryTemplateId" direct="true" type="string"
> required="true">
> <bind-xml name="id" node="attribute" />
> </field>
> <field name="entryTemplate" direct="true" type="string"
> required="true">
> <bind-xml node="text" />
> </field>
> </class>
> </mapping>
> Please advise me how I can do the mapping by only using one class.
> Thankyou, (email me back directly)
> Anna Kerekes
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