Hello list,
its me again :o).
I have following Problem:
I need to mark a field of a mapped class for JDO to transient and for marshaling/ unmarshaling via XML persistent. E.g:
<field name="memberInProphylaxises" type="java.lang.String" collection="array" direct="true">
<sql transient="true"/> <-- like this ( its dosnt work...)... i don't need this field in SQL/ JDO
<bind-xml name="prophylaxis" node="element"/>
Well, its possible to mark a whole field/ member as transient, but IMHO is there
no way to manage seperate transient/ non- transient behavior for XML/ JDO.
Any suggestions..?
If i leave out the SQL- definition, i get , in this case , a
com.sap.dbtech.jdbc.translators.ConversionExceptionSapDB: Cannot convert Java type [Ljava.lang.String; to SQL type VARCHAR
In a other case, with as boolean, i get a ClassCastException in TransactionContext/ L: 911...
Thanks in advance
Andre Teubner
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