
Since you know how to marshal attributes, using node="attribute", then
it's easy to understand how to do the same for text content using

  <field name="premiumAmount" type="long">
     <bind-xml node="text"/>


> I'm new to Castor and to XML, but I REALLY like Castor and have been
> testing it for marshalling and unmarshalling Java objects. It works well
> with our object model, which I consider to be very complex.
> However, I have a user that wants me to send output to them in
> the following format. Is there a way that I can accomplish this in
> a mapping file. I understand how to map the attributes. What I
> don't understand is how I would marshal the values 1000 and 2000
> in the following example.
> (BTW I won't need to unmarshal this object.)
>       <Premiums>
>           <premiumsDetail Age="47" Year="2">2000</premiumsDetail>
>           <premiumsDetail Age="46" Year="1">1000</premiumsDetail>
>       </Premiums>
> I haven't written the java objects yet, but they will look
> something like this:
> public class Premiums {
>       ...
>       public PremiumsDetail[] premiumsDetail = null;
>       ...
>       public PremiumsDetail[] getPremiumsDetail() {
>             //create array of PremiumDetail objects
>             PremiumsDetail[] premiumsDetailArray = null;
>             // add PremiumsDetail objects to array
>             ....
>             return premiumsDetailArray;
>       }
> }
> public class PremiumsDetail {
>       public String age=null;
>       public String year=null;
>       public Long premiumAmount=0;
>       ......
>       public String getAge() { .... }
>       public String getYear() { .... }
>       public String getPremiumAmount() { .... }
> }
> In this case, the value of premiumAmount is what I want
> to be the element value of premiumsDetail, while age and year are
> attributes of the premiumsDetail element.
> Is this possible? Could, for example, the bind-xml name be blank for
> the premiumAmount field?
> If not, is this the kind of thing I could do with XSLT
> (remove the premiumAmount element tags) if I was smart enough
> to learn it?
> Thanks,
> Earl Armstrong, CLU, FLMI, ACS, AIAA
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