I want to use advanced field handlers with Castor to pull in objects
that are not defined in XML, but exist in a database.  I'd like some
feedback from any Castor XML developers as to whether or not this should
be possible in the current code.

What I essentially want to do is:
 a) Marshal or unmarshal file from XML.

 b) For particular fields, I want to use a custom FieldHandler.  The
 fields in XML will be Strings but in the constructed objects they will
 be an object (similar to a Castor reference, but the reference is to
 something not in XML)

 c) I need to inject a Data Access Object (in order to use cross-field
 handler transactions) into the field handler.  Therefore I can't have
 Castor construct it.  I will have to use a FieldHandlerFactory,
 construct my FieldHandler and inject the custom FieldHandler with my
 DAO instance.

 d) When the object is unmarshaled, I want to retrieve the object
 represented by that reference from the DB using my DAO and set it in my

 e) When the object is marshalled, I want to return the proper reference
 String in place of the object.

Should this work?  Will I run into any problems?  Are there any
alternative ideas for what I want to accomplish?  Will it make a
difference whether I use the release or CVS version of Castor for my


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