Philip DONAGHY wrote:

I'm just throwing this out there because I could really use a join
syntax in Castor JDO. I would like to keep the select as a simple object
but the from and where clauses would look something like this.


FROM db.finaixm.OrgAuth Org, db.finaixm.OrgAuthM OrgM

WHERE Org.oamOrgAuthMId = OrgM.orgAuthMId AND Org.txtName=$1


This can be achieved through th euse of a correctly written mapping descriptor. The odd part is that the OQL query will *not* contain an explicit join because Castor's OQL engine will create the query behind the scenes. Are you not able to achieve this? Please elaborate further.

perl -e 'print unpack("u30","<0G)[EMAIL PROTECTED]&5R\\"F9E<G)E=\\$\\!F<FEI+F-O;0\\`\\`");'

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