I hope to run generateSource() method twice with javaclassmapping set to "type" and "element" for each time. Following is the code segment. However, even after I set a new value to the javaclassmapping property by using sgen.setDefaultProperties(sg_props), I still get the same javaclassmapping value by sgen.mappingSchemaElement2Java() or sgen.mappingSchemaType2Java(). And the generateSource() program won't run with the new value I set into the property.
I'm using castor-0.9.5-xml.jar. Is this a bug or expect behavior? If expected, how can I reset the property value for javaclassmapping and let the generateSource to take the new value?
Thanks a lot for your help!
            // use generateSource()
            SourceGenerator sgen = new SourceGenerator( new FieldInfoFactory("arraylist") );
            Properties sg_props= sgen.getDefault();
            System.out.println("type?="+sgen.mappingSchemaType2Java()+"  element?="+sgen.mappingSchemaElement2Java());
                if (sgen.mappingSchemaType2Java())
                if (sgen.mappingSchemaElement2Java())
               System.out.println("\t\ttype?="+sgen.mappingSchemaType2Java()+"  element?="+sgen.mappingSchemaElement2Java());
                sgen.generateSource(xsdPath, packageName);
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