I'm getting a FileNotFoundException using mapping
href's that are relative to my tomcat home (i.e.
 Since the path prefixing the file name is prepended
to the original path in the href attribute (example
below) I believe this is the same problem captured in
http://bugzilla.exolab.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1798.  Was
1798 supposed to be included in this candidate?  Is
there a workaround this problem in this candidate?

FileNotFoundException path:



--- Werner Guttmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've placed a copy of the second release candidate
> for Castor 0.9.6 on the FTP server.
> This is mainly a bug fix release, but includes a
> couple of new features as well. For details about
> the bugs fixed and features provided, please have a
> look at 
> (an interim version of) the release notes (link
> provided below). The release notes have been updated
> to include any regression issues found since the
> first 
> release candidate has been made available.
> The release candidate will be replaced by the
> official version within the next week, so please try
> this version and report any regression issues (where
> applicable). A regression for this release is
> something that was working in but no
> longer is working in this 0.9.6 release candidate.
> Only 
> regression issues will be considered for fixing
> before the final 0.9.6 release. All other bugs will
> be moved out to 0.9.7, or a 0.9.6.x sub-release if
> necessary.
> Pleased make sure that you read the release notes
> carefully before trying to use this new release
> candidate, as we have made some changes on the JDO 
> side of things that require you to e.g. change the
> structure of your JDO configuration file.
> All issues should initially be reported to the
> castor-dev list only. For serious problems, please
> don't hesitate to create a bug report at 
> http://bugzilla.exolab.org.
> Download:
> ftp://ftp.exolab.org/pub/castor/castor_0.9.6/
> Release notes:
> Regards
> Werner
> If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing, send
> mail to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of:
>         unsubscribe castor-dev

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