Whats the ... in your second transaction? Do you load he user in there
or use the one from up above? Also, does role have a Vector of users
in it? if so you could loading the user already when you go to load
the roles. Trying taking out the db.update and see if that works.


On Tue, 7 Dec 2004 23:21:43 +0100, Markus Sell
> Hi,
> i have the following scenario:
> 1) a user is working for different customers and has different roles.
> 2) 3 objects exists: User, Customer and Roles.
> User:
> public class user implements Persistent, TimeStampable {
>     Vector cvct_Roles;
>     Vector cvct_Customer;
>     ...
>     public Vector getRoles() {
>         return cvct_Roles;
>     }
>     public void setRoles(Vector roles) {
>         cvct_Roles = roles;
>     }
>     public void addRoles(Roles role) {
>         if (!cvct_Roles.contains(role)) {
>             cvct_Roles.addElement(role);
>             role.addUser(this);
>         }
>     }
>     ...
> }
> The Role object class look simular.
> 3) relationships: user - customer (n:m) in table user2customer, user - roles 
> (n:m) in table user2role
> 4) in the mapping file i'm using the "many-table" statement
> If I create a new User with new Customer or Role assignments it works 
> perfectly. If I try to update an existing User by adding a new Role, I get 
> the exception:
> org.exolab.castor.jdo.DuplicateIdentityException: update object which is 
> already in the transaction
>         at 
> org.exolab.castor.persist.TransactionContext.markUpdate(TransactionContext.java:995)
>         at 
> org.exolab.castor.persist.TransactionContext.update(TransactionContext.java:1074)
>         at 
> org.exolab.castor.jdo.engine.DatabaseImpl.update(DatabaseImpl.java:378)
> I'm using long transaction to do the update the user object.
> ..
> db.begin();
> User ldbp_User = (User)db.load(User.class, userkey);
> db.commit();
> ..
> db.begin();
> ..
> for (int lint_Index = 0; lint_Index < roles.size(); lint_Index++) {
>   Role ldbp_Role = (Role)db.load(Rol.class, 
> ((Integer)roles.getlint_Index)).intValue());
>   ldbp_User.addRoles(ldbp_Role);
> }
> db.update(ldbp_User);
> db.commit();
> Any ideas? Do I have to load the Role Object in the first Transaction? Use 
> Autostore?
> thanks,
> markus
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