
Without sending me off to some link to read some 3rd party marketing speak about why I would want to upgrade to Subversion (not that you would do that to me of course), can you please highlight from your own experience what such features of SVN you are desperately seeking that are not currently provided with the normal CVS.

In other words, what nice features of Subversion are going to propel you and other contributors such as myself into more productivity because of features available in SVN that are not available in CVS.

I'm quite happy with CVS and my WinCVS client. I haven't found myself saying, gee it would be really great if CVS had this feature or if CVS had that feature it would make my life really easy and the last thing I want to go and do is be forced to switch to some SVN client when I have something that works well already.

Instead I find myself saying, I wish I had more time to work on Castor and fix all the bugs currently outstanding with Castor XML, or implement new features being requested.

I don't see our current CVS installation holding me back or anyone else back for that matter, so I really can't understand all the out cry for upgrading.

I'm not against upgrading, especially, if it makes our lives easier and more productive, but so far I haven't really seen anyone mention any such feature in Subversion that would do that.


Bruce Snyder wrote:
On Mon, 10 Jan 2005 09:43:37 +0100, Martin Fuchs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


just found a interesting message on the Subversion mailing list
about integration of Bugzilla and Subversion.



On 10.01.2005 05:02:55 McKenna, Simon (RGH) wrote:

-=> Is anyone working on a method to get SVN and Bugzilla
-=> co-operating?  Or are there any known work-arounds other
-=> than putting r### in the description and having the
-=> developers look it up with their clients.

Hi Chris, check out:

This is implemented in latest release of TSVN,
as well as WebSVN and (I believe) soon to be
done for the SVN Eclipse plugin - Subclipse.

-=> It would be neat to have r#### automatically link to a
-=> ViewCVS log for that revision.

Kinda cool. Unfortunatley I'm not a Windoze user. Anyway, FWIW, I've
seen many bugs and big limitations in TortoiseCVS.

As for my request to hold off for last week, I am currently working
with the CIO for Intalio getting access to the servers.

Regarding Keith's suggestion that the CVS repo is not broken so don't
fix it (barring the issues this weekend, of course) the big reason I
have entertained and supported the discussion is as an evolution of
our tool set. SVN is actually a fairly natural "upgrade" if you will,
of CVS. There are even scripts to convert the SVS repo over to SVN.
SVN is the predecessor to CVS and offers many features to improve upon
the greatness that is CVS.

I usually am the one singing the 'if it's not broken, don't fix it'
tune. But there are cases where I sway from this mantra in an effort
to upgrade/switch to a different tool because of the vast benefits
that it offers. And in this case, there are many more benefits to
using SVN over CVS.


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