A quick addition, just wanted to show a quick screen shot. you can
check out here:
Take a look at _ids. Its size is 1, but the first element is null  :( 
that cant be good.

On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 15:42:58 -0500, Nick Stuart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, trying to use simple lazy collection here and have something
> borked up. The exception I'm getting is:
> org.exolab.castor.jdo.PersistenceException: Identities can't be null!
>         at 
> org.exolab.castor.persist.RelationCollection$IteratorImp.lazyLoad(RelationCollection.java:290)
>         at 
> org.exolab.castor.persist.RelationCollection$IteratorImp.next(RelationCollection.java:265)
>         at 
> org.moss.tapn.database.impl.TopicManager.getAllReplies(TopicManager.java:218)
>         at 
> $Interceptor_10187854476_28.getAllReplies($Interceptor_10187854476_28.java)
>         at 
> $SingletonProxy_10187853dc9_22.getAllReplies($SingletonProxy_10187853dc9_22.java)
>         at test.TopicManagerTest.testGetAllTopics(TopicManagerTest.java:124)
>         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>         at 
> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
> Attaching the mapping file with the uneeded parts chopped out. along
> with the test case I'm running. This is happening with a
> self-referential object (can hold many of its own type). The object
> loads fine, and the intial Collection is set up fine as I get the
> right size() and stuff back from it. Anyone know whats wrong? If not
> I'll file a bug with all the info and write a test case for it.
> The offending block of code is:
> public Object next() {
>             if ( changestamp != parent._changecount )
>                 throw new ConcurrentModificationException("Concurrent
> Modification is not allowed!");
>             // only needed if application did not call hasNext(), will
> skip deleted ids
>             if ( !hasNext() )
>                 throw new NoSuchElementException("Read after the end
> of iterator!");
>             Object id;
>             Object o;
>             if ( cursor < _added.size() ) {
>                 id = _added.get( cursor++ );
>                 o = _loaded.get( id );
>                 if ( o != null )
>                     return o;
>                 return lazyLoad( id );
>             } else {
>                 // the deleted ids were skipped by hasNext(), get is safe
>                 id = _ids.get(cursor++ - _added.size());
>         // RETURNS NULL!!!
>                 o = _loaded.get( id );
>                 if ( o != null )
>                     return o;
>                 return lazyLoad( id );
>             }
>         }
> in RelationCollection. There is nothing in _added or _ids doing the
> step through with the debugger so something isn't getting in there
> correctly.  =\
> -Nick
> p.s. Using HSQLDB and the latest CVS CO for castor compiled under jdk1.5.0_01

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