On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 11:46:49 -0600, Matthew D. Fleming
> We are using model driven development and as such have one domain level model 
> which is used to create all sorts of things: struts forms, hibernate mapping 
> files, etc.  We use XDoclet to create the artifacts.  I would love to be able 
> to use that same model to generate Castor XML mapping files.. this is 
> definitely possible using the @castor XDoclet tags. How can I autogen an XML 
> Schema?


This is definitely an interesting topic because Keith and I were just
discussing the possibility of adding XSD generation to Castor XML.
We've already got the Schema Object Model which allows us to represent
an XSD in Java. Both of us thought that it might be somewhat easy to
provide support to generate the XSD from the SOM. However, I hadn't
thought of using XDoclet for this mainly because I'm not sure that all
the XSDL element types and facets could be noted in any other way than
pretty much just entering them by hand into some XDoclet tags on
methods. Hmmmm, still pondering this one.

I'd like to hear from Keith or Arnaud how much work would really be
involved in adding support for XSD generation before we go down the
XDoclet path.

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