I forgot to mention that I needed to change the build.xml file to get
Castor to build with Java 1.5.  The javac tasks need the source="1.4"
and target="1.4" attributes to be specified.  It might be worth somebody
with commit privileges making these changes to the CVS version of this


-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Dyer 
Sent: 28 February 2005 16:48
To: 'castor-user@exolab.org'
Cc: 'castor-dev@exolab.org'
Subject: RE: "unable to find FieldDescriptor" when using auto-naming
with location attribute

If I remove the line that increments the count (line 1812) I sort of
solve the problem.  I can then use the location and auto-naming
attributes together in my mapping file and everything works as I would
expect.  However, if I try to use more than one level in the location
attribute (i.e. location="wrapper1/wrapper2") the problem comes back.
Can anybody give me some more insight into this section of code so that
I can make the necessary changes to get it working properly?

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