We are using legacy system that does not conform to XML model. Our
enterprise code has to read the way it was presented. Do you know of
if-else switch we could do in Castor mapping.xml file?



|         |           "Keith Visco"    |
|         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|         |           >                |
|         |                            |
|         |           02/28/2005 02:39 |
|         |           PM               |
|         |           Please respond to|
|         |           castor-dev       |
|         |                            |
  |       To:       castor-dev@exolab.org                                       
  |       cc:                                                                   
  |       Subject:  Re: [castor-dev] Castor XML - duplicate bind-xml names      

Hi David,

How do you distinguish between whether something is a Contract or a
Payment if they both use the Contract element name?

Castor basically follows the rules set forth in XML Schema, which
doesn't allow two sibling elements to have the same name and different
types. Basically if you have to look at the child-elements to determine
the type it's not going to work well. Castor determines the type before
examining the child elements.


> Hi,
> I have a Response POJO that has two attributes: contracts and payments.
> XML message I receive from SOAP for the <Response/> element can have only
> one sub-element whether contract or payment, cannot be both at the same
> time. Castor gives error because I have two same bind-xml element names
> (contract and payment have the same element name <Contract/>). How do you
> work around this issue?
> <Response>
>   <Contract primaryKey="">
>   </Contract>
> </Response>
> <class name="com.domain.function.Response">
>  <field name="_contracts" type="com.domain.function.Contract" collection=
> "arraylist" set-method="setContracts" get-method="getContracts">
>       <bind-xml name="Contract"/>
>  </field>
>  <field name="_payments" type="com.domain.function.Payment" collection=
> "arraylist" set-method="setPayments" get-method="getPayments">
>       <bind-xml name="Contract"/>
>  </field>
> </class>
> <class name="com.domain.function.Contract">
>  ...
> </clase>
> <class name="com.domain.function.Payment">
>  ...
> </clase>

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