On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 09:53:50 -0500, Jeremy Haile <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there any way to reference an object by ID, but only have Castor
> create the reference for a particular class.
> For example:
> <basketOfApples>
>   <apple>myFruit</apple>
> </basketOfApples>
> <basketOfPears>
>   <pear>myFruit</pear>
> </basketOfPears>
> <apple name="myFruit"/>
> <pear name="myFruit"/>
> The subelements in the baskets are mapped as references and the "name"
> attributes of the fruit would be mapped as the Castor "id".
> In Castor, this would cause a serious problem.  Even though it
> is obvious to a reader that the basket of apples should be referencing
> the <apple> element, Castor treats all IDs as global XML ids.  This
> means that Castor does not know whether the pear referenced in the
> basket of pears is the apple or the pear.  It seems like it would be
> easy to allow castor to differentiate IDs based on the class type, since
> we know what class type the references are referring to.
> In our application, we use Castor to export and import many different
> types of objects to and from XML files.  A lot of the XML IDs can be
> user-entered at runtime.  It is impossible (and/or unintuitive) for us
> to enforce that two of those identifiers cannot be the same, when they
> are two completely separate datatypes/classes.
> If I have an Apple property in my class which is mapped as a Castor
> reference "private Apple apple;", it doesn't make any sense for Castor
> to try and call setApple( Apple apple ) with an object of type Pear, so
> shouldn't the referencing infrastructure take this into account?
> Has any support been added for this?  Is any planned?  What amount of
> effort would be involved in adding this support?


Castor XML supports the use of the ID and IDREF XML Schema types. But
remember that XML/XML Schema requires that IDs must be unique within
the document:


So the use of myFruit in your example above is not a valid identifier.
Castor XML is simply enforcing the rules set forth by XML and XML
Schema. I have actually used the ID/IDREF types with Castor XML and
they do work correctly.

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Apache Geronimo

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