On Friday, February 22, 2013 at 6:37 PM, Justin Cappos wrote:
> >  1c) hide/show a package version
> > 
> > 
> I need to look into this more.   There are several ways this can be set up 
> and I need to understand more to know how to respond.  Offhand, I would say 
> that having the developer sign and upload metadata indicating hidden vs. 
> visible is the most secure.  From a usability perspective, PyPI could sign 
> something stating this instead, but this requires trusting PyPI more than may 
> be wise.  Were it my system, I'd prefer the former (and can talk more about 
> risks with the latter), but either choice seems reasonable. 
Hiding/showing a package on PyPI is only in the webui. It doesn't actually 
effect what the installation tools can find. 
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