On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 19:07 +0100, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> Just a quick note (more later, if time permits)...
> On 12.03.2013 18:05, holger krekel wrote:
> > Hi Marc-Andre, all,
> > 
> >>> - Prepare PYPI implementation to allow a per-project "hosting mode",
> >>>   effectively enabling or disabling external crawling.  When enabled 
> >>>   nothing changes from the current situation of producing 
> >>> ``rel=download`` 
> >>>   and ``rel=homepage`` attributed links on ``simple/`` pages, 
> >>>   causing installers to crawl those sites.  
> >>>   When disabled, the attributions of links will change 
> >>>   to ``rel=newdownload`` and ``rel=newhomepage`` causing installers to
> >>>   avoid crawling 3rd party sites.  Retaining the meta-information allows
> >>>   tools to still make use of the semantic information.
> >>
> >> Please start using versioned APIs for these things. The
> >> old style index should still be available under some
> >> URL, e.g. /simple-v1/ or /v1/simple/ or /1/simple/
> > 
> > Not sure it is neccessary in this case.  I would think it makes
> > the implementation harder and it would probably break PEP381 (mirroring
> > infrastructure) as well.
> Here's what I meant:
> We publish the current implementation of the /simple/ index API
> under a new URL /simple-v1/, so that people that want to use
> the old API can continue to do so.
> Then we setup a new /simple-v2/ index API with your proposed
> change, perhaps even dropping the rel attribute altogether.
> During testing, we'd then have:
> /simple/    - same as /simple-v1/
> /simple-v1/ - old API with rel attributes always set
> /simple-v2/ - new API with your changes (rel attributes only
>               set in some cases)
> After a month or so of testing, we then switch this to:
> /simple/    - same as /simple-v2/
> /simple-v1/ - old API with rel attributes always set
> /simple-v2/ - new API with your changes (rel attributes only
>               set in some cases)

I understand but am not sure how easy this is to manage at the moment.
I'd like to put this up in open questions and have (eventually) Richard 
comment on this before evolving it further.


> -- 
> Marc-Andre Lemburg
> eGenix.com
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