On 21/06/06, Tobias Kremer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Which raises my all-time favourite question: Why is Perl still going strong
in the US and UK whereas good-old Europe seems to has already abandoned it
completely? I can only speak for Germany though but I have the feeling that the
people here always have to do a thing the most academic way possible (think
Java). On the other hand, people in the US just want to get a particular job
done - which is what perl was made for. This really frustrates me! I have
had an eye on the jobs.perl.org site and various other job-sites for a couple
of months now and judging from this I should have emigrated to the US a long
time ago :)

There is a lot of perl around, it's just got a low profile.  For example births/deaths/marrigages registries on three continents run using "shitloads of perl" (according to manager of the company) as well as info systems for many of the worlds leading mueseums.

However, because perl only has the backing of a non-profit body the marketing is fairly low key, and all those golfers out there have given it a bit of a bad rep.

Having said that one of the things I really like about catalyst is that it encourages maintainable, well styled and reasonably easy to understand code.

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