I found the issue ( problem? ).

Seems in our setup that the (Catalyst) DocumentRoot needs to be a 
<Directory /> not a <Location />

Still have some fiddling to do and I think add Plugin::Static::Simple so 
the development/test servers will work with the sans-'/static/' paths.

Thanks for the ideas.

Jonathan Rockway wrote:
> Dunno if this helps, but ordering Alias directives is important. 
> Putting them before the mod_perl handler seems like a good idea (works
> for me, but I use FastCGI). 
> Also:
> "Note that if you include a trailing / on the url-path then the server
> will require a trailing / in order to expand the alias. That is, if you
> use |Alias /icons/ /usr/local/apache/icons/| then the url |/icons| will
> not be aliased."
> from http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_alias.html#alias
> I don't see that problem in your case, but it might help to remove the
> trailing /.  Another thing to try is to use <Location> instead of
> <Directory>.  The Alias directive tells Apache what directory to use
> anyway, so you might have better luck explicitly setting the Location. 
> I generally use all <Location>s, and have had good luck :) YMMV.
> Regards,
> Jonathan Rockway
> Roderick A. Anderson wrote:
>>I know this is more a mod_perl/apache issue but I'm getting no where 
>>with those docs.
>>The problem is I can't get pass Catalyst to get to root/static/css and 
>>root/static/js directories without using the '/static/' portion.
>>I think it is somehow tied to these lines but all the permutations I've 
>>tried haven't worked.  My domain changed to protect the guilty ( me ).
>>Suggestions, clue-stick?
>><VirtualHost dev.example.com:443>
>><snip />
>>   DocumentRoot /var/www/root/
>>   <Location />
>>     SetHandler modperl
>>     PerlResponseHandler cat
>>   </Location>
>><snip />
>>   <Directory "/var/www/root/static/">
>>    SetHandler default-handler
>>   </Directory>
>>   Alias /js/ "/var/www/root/static/js/"
>>  <Directory "/var/www/root/static/js">
>>    Options Indexes MultiViews
>>    AllowOverride None
>>    Order allow,deny
>>    Allow from all
>>  </Directory>
>>   Alias /css/ "/var/www/root/static/css/"
>>  <Directory "/var/www/root/static/css">
>>    Options Indexes MultiViews
>>    AllowOverride None
>>    Order allow,deny
>>    Allow from all
>>  </Directory>
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