On 18/08/06, Carl Franks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 18/08/06, Jonas Alves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 18/08/06, Carl Franks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > If you don't want to manually download the dojo library, it needs
> > > Catalyst::Plugin::Dojo which currently uses HTML::Dojo, but will be
> > > changed to use Alien::Dojo once that's merged with HTML::Dojo. - see
> > > the previous discussion on this list, titled "Alien-Dojo / HTML-Dojo
> > > merger suggestions"
> > >
> > > If you're able to help at all with developing these, it'd be most welcome.
> > > The first priority is probably rewriting Alien::Dojo, along the lines
> > > mentioned in the "Alien-Dojo / HTML-Dojo merger suggestions" email.
> >
> > Hi Carl,
> > I would like to help developing these modules. Could you give some
> > guidance in what needs to be done.
> > I really need HTML::Widget::Dojo for the future versions of InstantCRUD.
> At the moment, there's only been 1 release of Alien::Dojo, and it's broken.
> The author is happy to hand over maintenance of it.
> The message mentioned above is here:
> http://lists.rawmode.org/pipermail/catalyst/2006-June/008222.html
> This is Yuval's resonse:
> http://lists.rawmode.org/pipermail/catalyst/2006-June/008225.html
> It seems a bit over-engineered to me, but Yuval is the man when it
> comes to design, so I bow to him. Unfortunately, I don't have the time
> to work on it - it's a minor issue for me, as it's so easy to manually
> download the dojo-ajax release from the website.
> As HTML-Widget-Dojo stands, I think the latest in subversion worked ok
> with dojo v0.3.
> Dojo v0.3.1 has since been released, so we need to check whether the
> widgets we use have had incompatable changes.
> I had posted a few bug reports - I'll need to search for them and see
> if they've been addressed.
> This thread also mentions a couple of issues that might still be outstanding.
> http://lists.rawmode.org/pipermail/html-widget/2006-May/thread.html#2
> Feel free to ask anything else.
> Anything specific to HTML-Widget-Dojo should probably be on the H-W list 
> though.
> Cheers,
> Carl

Thanks Carl. I will go to holidays today. But i will take a look at it
when i come back.


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