I am trying to use this module and get the following error:

 [catalyst] [error] Caught exception in engine "Couldn't save expires:279a054462d35ee68aa792f48f048b1affaef200 / 1155934545 in memcached storage at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/Catalyst/Plugin/Session.pm line 105"

Here is what my app file contains:

use Catalyst qw/Session Session::Store::Memcached Session::State::Cookie/;

In some other action I have...

sub step1 : Private {
 .... $c->session->{test} = 'hi i'm albert';

I get an error when my app forwards to this function.
I DID get it to work using Session::Store::FastMmap & Session::State::Cookie but I am being asked to use Session::Store::Memcached... so I need to get this to work.

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.

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