
On 2006/08/26, at 13:32, Matt S Trout wrote:

> Jonas Alves wrote:
>> http://use.perl.org/~Matts/journal/30758
> "Now how can I get the Jifty and Catalyst communities interested in  
> using this
> as their primary web server?"
> Not that I've been prodding him about this on IRC repeatedly :)

Yeah, I've also left him a comment :)

> Axkit2 looks like it'll be a lovely candidate for a production-quality
> scalable standalone server, although it's a single-process affair with
> optional forking so we'll need to figure out how to manage that  
> appropriately
> to maximise performance.

hmms... In fact if he forks and supports Keep-Alive, i'll be happy.  
Usually you already have a front-end reverse proxy for static  
content, and usually that front-end is able to keep persistent  
connections to the back-end application servers.

So the logic of keeping X number of processes ready to work, can be  
delegated to the front-end.

One example of a front-end reverse proxy with good back-end  
management is Perlbal. Lighttpd (the current SVN stuff) seems to be  
getting good at it too.

Best regards,
Pedro Melo

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