Hi Daniel,

Sorry been away on other things, just tried out your suggestion and its 
working, that old problem ChopBlanks in DBI would have normally sorted 
that one out  (as long as the underlying driver supports it).

Works both ways char(48) or varchar(72).



Daniel Westermann-Clark wrote:
> On 2006-10-16 16:00:42 +0100, Jason Crummack wrote:
>> As you say the update isn't firing as the expires field and data
>> fields don't have values in them?
>> I've tried various table definitions but the current one is (thought
>> id could be dbi's handling of blob's / clobs's initially)
>> create table sessions (
>>   session_id         char(72) primary key,
>>   session_data     varchar2(4000),
>>   expires              int
>> );
>> I've mapped the field names accordingly in the config, but i'm
>> assuming they are working ok due to the fact that the records are
>> being inserted initially, although as previously mentioned only the
>> session_id has been set.
> Perhaps the suggestion in the docs to use a CHAR(72) field for the
> session ID is causing subsequent statements to fail.  Oracle is likely
> blank-padding the session IDs and Session::Store::DBIC wouldn't know
> to do that.
> If you're content with the default hashing algorithm try changing the
> length to match the actual length of the session IDs (48 characters
> IIRC), or change it to a VARCHAR(72).
> Let me know and I'll update the docs to reflect this, if this turns
> out to be the case.
> Thanks,

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