
-- Brandon Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> IMHO, Perl does *not* look half dead.

Perl IS NOT dead.

But for people who are not part of the Perl community, it either looks dead
(or only for some small shell scripting) or they don#t know it at all.

That's reality.

> The rate of CPAN modules uploaded per year continues to rise, anyone
> could name a litany of high and low profile sites that still run perl,
> and the perl job market is great.  Active cutting-edge development
> continues in both p5 and of course the various p6-related efforts.

yes, I know, I am using Perl every day.

But who knows this outside of the Perl community?

> The lack of participants in a competition like this says to me that
> most Perl developers that could participate are just too busy with
> real work to bother.

this is true for all the other languages too.


** Alvar C.H. Freude, http://alvar.a-blast.org/
** http://www.wen-waehlen.de/
** http://odem.org/
** http://www.assoziations-blaster.de/

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