Brian Kirkbride wrote:
> Dave Howorth wrote:
>> Matt S Trout wrote:
>>> I'm asking why the web part can't be in the main app directory :)
>> I've been reading this thread with interest because Leandro's
>> description seems to fit my situation as well. This seems like a pretty
>> lame response. Does it mean that Catalyst can't be configured to live in
>> a separate place from the bulk of the 'business' logic?
> I use separate directories because my business logic and catalyst code
> are in different SVN trees.  For me it's as simple as adding:
>     use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../MyApp/lib";
> to the scripts in MyApp-Web/script/.
> If you are using mod_perl for production you will need to specify both
> your MyApp-Web and MyApp paths in it's setup.
> Hope that helps,
> Brian Kirkbride

I can't imagine life before $FindBin::Bin


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