
You might find it easier to get started with Catalyst
by running the development server instead of trying to
run under apache right from the start.  It's actually
pretty robust, I have three applications running in
house for light load duty.  Add in Sqlite and PAR and
you got some easy to deploy web applications.

I have tried it, and of course it works, but it doesn't work with Apache right. Apache sees a file named bunatati.tt in /root and I cannot access http://localhost/bunatati because of that.

If I change the name of that template file, the program works fine, but I don't think it is normal to happen this way.

I guess that Apache tries a kind of document language negociation and assumes that .tt is a certain language of that document.

I have seen that starting with apache 2, this is possible and we can put files like index.html.en, index.html.fr, index.html.ro, and access them just by index.html, and depending on the prefered languages of the browser, the right document is shown.... or something like that.

I guess this is trying Apache to do, and that's why it doesn't work.


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