I use CDBI - not DBIC - and I have the "classical" tables User, Role,
(Authentication  Authentication::Store::DBIC
Authentication::Credential::Password  Authorization::Roles)

At home I have a Catalyst from Debian, with C::P::Session at Version=12 (and
no problem with
myApp from the corresponding vhost, with Apache-1.33-mod_perl ; also, no
problem with the real
server before the upgrade from C-5.7001 to 5.7006 - but now...)

But at the real server, the (only) difference is that C::P::Session is at
Version=13 (not 12)
and I get this error:

"Can't locate object method "search" via package "Catalyst::Base" at
/usr/share/perl5/Catalyst/Plugin/Authentication/Store/DBIC/User.pm line 19."

from the execution of $c->login(username,password).

Because I use CDBI, is a need to substitute Auth::Store::DBIC (-0.07 and

Many Thanks for to clarify this question,
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