On Sun, Jan 14, 2007 at 07:30:06PM +0100, Igor Longagnani wrote:
> $chiavi= {
>           'ka-111-234-586' => '0',
>           'ka-90-85-349' => '0',
>           'ka-5-21-629' => '0',
>           'ka-1-406-194' => '0',
>           'ka-111-194-479' => '1',
>           'ka-1-451-540' => '0',
>           'ka-1-254-610' => '0',
>           'ka-1-216-571' => '0',
>           ... more data...
> };

This is a hashref, not a list ...

> <! -- standard cycle through some kind of data -->
> [ FOREACH ... %]

Doesn't FOREACH iterate over a list?

> I know it is something silly ... but still makes me doubt about my
> comprehension of the stash

I think it's a TT problem rather than a stash problem.

You might want to investigate the keys method in

  [% FOREACH key = allegati.keys %]
  Key: [% key %]
  Value: [% allegati.$key %]
  [% END %]

works in a quick local test, for example.

Chisel Wright
w: http://www.herlpacker.co.uk/

  This is not an automated signature.
  I type this in to the bottom of every message.

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