On Sun, 2007-01-14 at 19:01 +0000, Ash Berlin wrote:
> Igor Longagnani wrote:
> > Hi, newbie here...
> > i thought i had understood stash behaviour... but prolly not :)
> > 
> > I can use it together with DBIx::Class resultsets and so on, BUT now i
> > would like to put  such an hashref
> > 
> > $chiavi= {
> >           'ka-111-234-586' => '0',
> >           'ka-90-85-349' => '0',
> >           'ka-5-21-629' => '0',
> >           'ka-1-406-194' => '0',
> >           'ka-111-194-479' => '1',
> >           'ka-1-451-540' => '0',
> >           'ka-1-254-610' => '0',
> >           'ka-1-216-571' => '0',
> >           ... more data...
> > };
> > 
> > into the stash  e.g.   $c->stash->{allegati} = $chiavi;
> > then  i would like to use something like
> > 
> > <! -- standard cycle through some kind of data -->
> > [ FOREACH ... %]
> > ...
> > <!-- build one of the key of the hashref 'allegati'   -->
> > [% currentkey = ...%]
> > 
> > <!-- use one of the values of the hashref -->
> > [% allegati.currentkey %]
> > 
> > 
> > The problem is this last [% allegati.currentkey %]  is always empty even
> > if i am sure i am asking for an existing key of the hash ref.
> > What am i doing wrong?
> > I know it is something silly ... but still makes me doubt about my
> > comprehension of the stash
> > 
> > Any wise suggestion?
> Yes - show us the code for the action and the full template - the info 
> you've given isn't enough do divine the problem.

Though I do not understand what you are trying to do either, you may

[% FOREACH entry=allegati %]
[% entry.key %]: [% entry.value %]
[% END %]

Hope it helps,
> Ash
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