Octavian Rasnita wrote:
Take a look at /tmp/pdk/ perlapp exes dump the plaintext while running.
This is not a "problem" with Catalyst, perl is an interpreted language not a compiled one. perlapp is there to make distributing self contained perl
applications easier,  not to protect your source.

perlapp doesn't drop the source code in /tmp. It puts there only some .dll files, and nothing more than that.
(I am using perl Dev Kit 6.02, but now PDK 7 was just released).

The "source" needs to be obtained somehow and in some state for the Perl program to handle it.

Can the source code be got easily from those dll files?
If it cannot be found easily, then I think it would be nice if the Catalyst applications could be deployed using perlapp.

Once your program is loaded, and compiled into object/internal representation form in memory, the memory could be forced to disk somehow, and a creative hacker can reasonably reassemble your code.

That is unless you have your in-memory image also encrypted with on the fly decryption/execution. I am not aware of any one doing this for any language. Though I could be wrong.

If a language is interpreted, this doesn't mean that the programs that were made with it cannot be protected in any way.

Define protection.  Do you mean "not copied/looked at/altered" ?

Or, is there another way of protecting the code from a Catalyst app?

Yes. Never deliver the application. Host the critical bits. Have them make SOAP/XML-RPC calls back to your machine.

Note: this is not exclusive to Catalyst. This is true with every/any MVC framework, and pretty much every language, compiled or otherwise.



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Joseph Landman, Ph.D
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