While developing my site, I've begun using the -restart option so I don't have to restart the webserver every time I am working on something.

I've run into a problem where sometimes, when it tries to restart, it complains that it can't find one of my DBIx::Class model files:

Can't locate MyApp/Model/MyAppDB/Tag.pm in @INC

So I check, and the file is most definitely there. This problem persists until I run one of the following commands:

touch MyApp/Model/MyAppDB.pm
touch MyApp/Schema/MyAppDB.pm
touch MyApp/Schema/MyAppDB/Tag.pm
touch MyApp/Schema/MyAppDB/* (any file)

After running one of these commands, the server restarts as expected.

Another way I can get around the issue is to kill the server, and restart it by hand.

This seems strange, no?  Does anyone have any idea what might be happening?


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