Nilson Santos Figueiredo Junior wrote:
> On 2/21/07, Jonathan Rockway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The idea is to let the user know why their action failed, not to pop up
>> messages saying "something might fail in the future!"  Plus it's easier
>> to implement, and works with every browser.
> I've been a victim of web applications designed like this for several
> times. It all seems like a good idea until you spend a long time
> filling a form or writing a piece of text only to find out that you've
> been logged out and your last 10 minutes were suddenly trashed.
> If you're *only* using server-side checks be sure to never drop user
> submitted data when their session has timed out otherwise it might
> become a major PITA for your users.

That goes without saying :)  It's probably worth it for someone to write
an abstraction that automates this:

1) Session expired; save $c->req->params and the intended action
2) Require authentication
3) restore params, forward to the saved intended action.

Unfortunately I've only done this in my mini-PHP framework at $job.

package JAPH;use Catalyst qw/-Debug/;($;=JAPH)->config(name => do {
$,.=reverse qw[Jonathan tsu rehton lre rekca Rockway][$_].[split //,
";$;"]->[$_].q; ;for 1..4;$,=~s;^.;;;$,});$;->setup;

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