Hi folks,

Using Cat::Controller::Formbuilder. The background is I have 2 methods that essentially do the same thing to start with, ie my $form = $self->formbuilder, which populates the fields from the information in an .fb file. But I need to override some of the field definitions, so I list them separately as a series of $form->field( name => 'name', option => [EMAIL PROTECTED] ).

Because this is repeated in both of the methods I thought I could/should factor out the common code to a private sub like this:


but it doesn't work. The only way so far to do it is to put $form in the stash and use $c->forward('_override_field_defs'), then retrieve $form from the stash in _override_field_defs().

Is this the correct way to call sub-routines, via $c->forward and $c->stash? I know about TIMTOWTDI but I want to start off with 'best practice'.
Richard Jones
Leeds, UK

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