On 14/03/07, David Christensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
catalyst: I am working my way through the Catalyst tutorials, and have come across some issues. My platform is FreeBSD 6.2. I did not use the ports collection to install Catalyst, instead I read: http://search.cpan.org/~mramberg/Catalyst-Runtime-5.7006/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Inst allation.pod and used CPAN to install the following modules/bundles (?): Task::Catalyst Catalyst::Devel As I worked my way through the examples, I found that I also needed to install: Catalyst::Helper::Model::DBIC::Schema Catalyst::Helper::View::TTSite I'm now on tutorial 2 of 9, and have run the various scripts, entered modules and templates, etc., as directed for the books database example. When I fire up the development server and browse to: http://p3800.holgerdanske.com:3000/books/list The server says: [error] Couldn't render template "undef error - status_msg is undefined
There is a reference implementation for the tutorial. It's for exactly these situations where you need to see where you've gone wrong. From Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::Intro: svn co http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/repos/Catalyst/tags/examples/Tutorial/MyApp/5.7/CatalystTutorial
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