Hello, list!

I have a problem running par catalyst distribution. Error was

$ parl test1.par test1_server.pl
Weak references are not implemented in the version of perl at Catalyst.pm line
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Catalyst.pm line 22.
Compilation failed in require at Test1.pm line 16.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Test1.pm line 16.
Compilation failed in require at ./script/test1_server.pl line 56

Standalone script ./script/test1_server.pl works fine.

   OS Fedora core 4. I was trying with perl-5.8.6 (in linux distro)  and
with  perl-5.8.8 (built from source) .
   After googling and searching list archives I found similar problems on
Windows and with mod_perl
but I could not find solution.
   The problem probably appears because of Scalar::Util. There is really 2
Scalar::Util both in perl from
distro and in perl from source. I tried with both(removing another) with no
success. Then I tried to build
Scalar-List-Utils-1.14 and 1.16-19. The same error.

   My actions were:
install catalyst from cat-install script,
install Catalyst::Devel,
install PAR,
install PAR::Packer (downgrade Compress::Zlib to 1.42 before),
create empty cat app,
add "catalyst_par;" to Makefile.PL,
perl Makefile.PL,
make catalyst_par.
   All modules installed from cpan.

   Can it be any OS-depended issues? Please help.

P.S. Sorry for my English.
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